Here, you'll find seasonal tips and Cathy's recommendations for the best ideas to make your event or family get together
the talk of the town! Please also enjoy our featured videos and Cathy's recent Guest appearances!


Celebrate Living!  Three ideas to make the mundane, magical!

A Rainy Day Lunch becomes an Indoor Picnic
Take an old sheet and place it in your living room, or move your dining room table out of the way, and transform your indoor space into a fun, outdoor picnic. Serve finger foods like funny monster shaped sandwiches, veggie booty, ants on a log, and carrot sticks with guacamole dip. For dessert, pile blueberries and strawberries in mini filo dough baskets.

Getting in some exercise becomes a Dance Party
Choose a time to stop everything and put on music that will make you and your little ones move. I have a two year old and my family playlist includes favorites such as Jack Johnson, Beyonce, Reggae Randi, and Lori Berkner.

Folding the Laundry becomes The Great Laundry Adventure
Inspire your children to help out with chores like folding clothes, by turning them into stories. This weekend Riley and I went on The Great Sock Adventure. She helped me find all the matching socks from the laundry and match them. We had a blast. She tried on all of mom and dad's socks and laughed her head off. It took a little longer yes, but seriously, I felt so great from laughing that I wanted to find other fun ways to do laundry!